Aletheia Emanations

Altjira: Meeting the God and Influence of Dreamtime

Apolytrosis: Renunciation of the New Age


Auspicious Gaze of the Black Virgin

Blessings From the Animal Kingdom

Dark Light of Renewal

Divine Commitment: The Anointed Daughters of Destiny

Feeding Your Demons

Five Types of Truth Telling

Fortifying With Virtue

From Ashes to Ashes, From Dust to Dust

Heart of the Underworld

Heavens Cross

Holy Eucharist, as worded by Mary Magdalene

Listen to the Land Speak

Loving Truth of These Times

Mary: Ark of the New Covenant

Meeting of Opposites: A Time of Immense Growth

Miriam's Well: Unraveling the Mystery

Plundering the Divine Depths

Raising The Flag

Returning To God: Saturn's Second Return

Sacred Ancestors of the Western World

Sacred Divorce Ceremony

Sacred Union: The Event Horizon

Scrying Glass of Sophia: Twelve Holy Days

Speaking In Our Mother Tongue

Spirit of the Depths

Stepping Into a New Season

The Beatific Vision

The Eighth Heaven: The Divine Wedding

The Pools of Black Light

The Pregnant Virgin

The Prodigal Daughter

The Silent Unwinding

The Spirit of Truth

The Virgin Who The Forces Did Not Defile

Three Days of Darkness

When Jesus Meets a Demon

Wildfire Apostolic Wisdom of Humankind