Aletheia's Store
SOPHIA Temple Oils

Complete Set of All 13 Annointing Oils

GBP £ 515.00

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Set of 8 SOPHIA Temple Oils

GBP £ 315.00

  • Christos Sophia
  • Fierce Feminine
  • Holy Sophia
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Royal Bridegroom
  • Sacred Sexuality
  • Sarah
  • Womb Love

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Christos Family - Set of 5 SOPHIA Temple Oils

GBP £ 250.00

  • Holy Sophia
  • Christos Sophia
  • Royal Bridegroom
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Sarah


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Feminine Christ Family - Set of 3 SOPHIA Temple Oils

GBP £ 115.00

  • Holy Sophia
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Sarah


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Holy Family - Set of 3 SOPHIA Temple Oils

GBP £ 115.00

  • Mary Magdalene
  • Royal Bridegroom
  • Sarah


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Three Marys Family - Set of 3 SOPHIA Temple Oils

GBP £ 111.00

  • Holy Sophia
  • Mary Magdalene
  • Fierce Feminine


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Sacred Marriage Family - Set of 2 SOPHIA Temple Oils

GBP £ 80.00

  • Mary Magdalene
  • Royal Bridegroom


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Apocalypsia Temple Oil: Black Madonna

GBP £ 40.00

The Black Madonna Oil is a captivating blend that evokes the sacred presence of the…

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Christos Sophia - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00



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Esclarmonde: Light of the World - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00

Esclarmonde is a high vibrational oil blend designed to ignite your inner soul light and your heart aflame, reminding us that we, indeed, are the luminaries of the word.

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Fierce Feminine - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00

The Fierce Feminine Blend is an embodiment of the resilient warrior of light, a tribute to the fearless feminine spirit that has emerged, refined and radiant, from the crucible of life's challenges.


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Hieros Gamos Family - Set of 2 SOPHIA Temple Oils

GBP £ 80.00

  • Womb Love
  • Sacred Sexuality


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High Priestess - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00



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Holy Sophia - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 55.00

Holy Sophia Oil is a divine blend that captures the essence of the Divine Mother and Creatrix, embodying beauty, creativity, and the soul essence


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Myrrhophore - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00



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Magdalene Rose Line - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00



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Mary Magdalene - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00



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Oracle - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00



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Royal Bridegroom - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00

Royal Bridegroom Oil is a sacred blend that captures the embodiment of the Christ Light and the heart of the sacred masculine. It strikes an exquisite balance between the heart and soul, resonating harmoniously with the divine essence of being


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Sacred Sexuality - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00

The Inner Divinity Sacred Sexuality Oil Blend is an exquisite fusion of botanical essences, embodying the revered art of the Bridal Chamber and embodying the divine connection between love and sensuality


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Sarah - Holy Grail - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00

Sarah Oil, the Holy Bloodline, is symbolic of the beloved daughter, the intrinsic essence of the Christ family, imbued with the soul, heart, and beauty that are the hallmarks of this sacred lineage.


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Shamaness - SOPHIA Temple Oil

GBP £ 40.00

The Shamaness Oil Blend harnesses the transformative power of nature, connecting you to the potent energy of the earth and inviting deep healing and purification.


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