Opening The Feminine Paths To Divine Depths - 1 Day Online Workshop
£ 55.00 GBP
Opening The Feminine Paths To Divine Depths
Join me for a one day online workshop as we experience of a living transmission among women.
How do we turn our sexual energy in, to regenerate, to regenesis, to re-open new paths, and to throw off the shackles of patriarchal sexuality and its mindset? There is a rhythm and pattern to feminine energy, and when followed, it leads to delicious new thresholds and frontiers.
This freshly birthing form of inner and outer intimacy naturally offers our complete surrender to the Mystery of how deep this is going and who we will be once we get there.
There is also a beautiful urgency to our surrender, a willingness to blur our once acute and immovable definitions of who we are and humbly reach into who we are becoming.
As we are Born Again.
And very, very alive...
Stay tuned - More Is Coming!