by Anaiya Sophia
Sacred Sexual Union, also known as Hieros Gamos or the Sacrament of the Bridal Chamber is a term that is generally used to refer to the sacred marriage between two divinities, or a human being and God, or between two human beings; it is the ultimate alchemy of forces which harmonize polar opposites, dissolving all duality.
Is it possible that Sacred Sexual Union, based upon the conscious application of Love, Power and Wisdom, be the path to attain Christhood? Can hormonal driven sex be preventing men and women from rediscovering their innate non-dual perception?
Perhaps the only way to discover the truth is to attempt to recreate the experience of the Sacrament of the Bridal Chamber for ourselves. Within these pages, you will discover not only the entrance to such a process but a guiding light that can only come from integrated direct experience.
NOTE: Material from The Nine Eyes of Light: Ascension Keys From Egypt by Padma Aon Prakasha has been used, with the kind permission of the author, in Chapter8.
Praise for Sacred Sexual Union
“In the area of sacred union, Anaiya Sophia unveils the mystery of the soul reunification process. Her wisdom is clear and breathtakingly refreshing and simple. What a treasure! I want to give this book to everyone I know!”
— Margot Anand, author of The Art of Everyday Ecstasy
“In her book Sacred Sexual Union, Anaiya Sophia asks a question of timeless importance: ‘Is sacred union real?’ It’s clear she has also lived the question, in both ordinary and extraordinary
— James F. Twyman, peace troubadour and author of the bestselling The Moses Code
“Sacred Sexual Union is the most comprehensive, insightful, and inspiring work by Anaiya Sophia thus far! From the wounds of love to womb healing and hieros gamos, Anaiya takes readers on a healing journey deep within to answer questions about the true nature of love and what life within sacred union looks like. Pulling from great ancient records, this mystical journey connects us to the true depth of ourselves, our twin soul, and the all-encompassing love from the divine. This is a must-read for any and all on the true love, sacred union path.”
— Heather Strang, author of The Quest: A Tale of Desire and Magic
“Sacred Sexual Union is a beautiful recognition and celebration of sacred union as the path to God, herself. We have been looking for God alone in meditation forever. She is not there. She is on the bridge between two hearts, awakened and illuminated by their shared breath, conscious intentionality, and authentic self-revealing. Through the merging of two willing souls, the gateway opens to the everything. There is such magic in these pages.”
— Jeff Brown, author of Soulshaping
“Regardless of your path, Sacred Sexual Union will help you discover fascinating ways to delve deeply into the mysterious crucible of love. Anaiya’s passionate guide takes you through and beyond the surface of physical love, where you can explore the magical realms of sexual union.”
— Amara Charles, author of The Sexual Practices of Quodoushka
"Such a treasure chest Sacred Sexual Union contains. Destined to become a leading reference - like Daniel Odier's Tantric Quest book was for many (including myself) - eliciting people to seek experiences described therein, drawing them on the path. An exquisite, readable, and truly powerful opus that opens realities for those ready."
— Raymond Bron, Ashland, USA