Valkyries, Wish-Maidens and Swan Maids
£ 11.00 GBP
Valkyries, Wish-Maidens and Swan Maids
At a time where the fear of death is so rampant - let us open instead, to the honour of facing our ultimate initiation with a Valkyrie, Swan-Maid, or Wish Maiden. During this transmission, we will move through the many layers of fear, anguish, loss, overwhelm, with a skilled, articulate, 'Chooser of the Slain'. Fierce women who consciously take our life as the great honour it is. I feel called to bring forth an experience with intense detail, that could consciously move us through the fear of death - and with grace, toward the possibility of dying ecstatically. By fully entering the experience, we will meet the Valkyrie, experience death by the Valkyrie and come to know the tenderness she extends as we slip from this world into the next.
Dearest Friends, please be aware, this transmission will contain great detail, it needs too. We live in a death phobic society, and this fear is being used as a weapon upon us today.
So I say - let's face it together!
On the day of the transmission, you will receive a spoken audio file and PDF which are yours to keep and use whenever you feel to.