The Spiritual Practice of Showing Up Telling the Truth
£ 55.00 GBP
The Spiritual Practice of Showing Up and Telling the Truth
Join me for one week as we commit to The Spiritual Practice of Showing UP and Telling the Truth. In these seven days together, we will create a safe and brave space for transformation and healing in real life, online, and inside. We will look at:
- Financial Truth
- Nutritional Truth
- Sexual Truth
- Relational Truth
- Vocational Truth
- Communicational Truth
- Spiritual Truth
There’s no way to approach these areas of life without feeling scared, without resistance and without a do-we-really-have-to-do-this feeling. But we can, and we must. The truth is always going to be there, and a lie is a choice made to avoid this. Let’s help us better understand why we should always tell the truth, starting with the most important reason: the more someone matters to you, the more you owe them your Truth. Is that person not you? Or your loved one? Or that which you are creating?
- show up
- tell the truth
- trust God
- let go of the outcome
The Spiritual Practice of Showing Up & Telling the Truth will be the propelling force you have longed for. It will create staggering growth and rapid change for the good. Truth. Living with Truth is the conception, gestation and birth of a new earth with a new humanity.
Register HERE for this Live Online 7-Day Programme that comes complete with replays that are yours to keep