HIEROS GAMOS, is Greek for "sacred marriage," and is a term for a mythical sexual union between a god and a goddess, or a King and a Queen. However today, this would be between the Divine Being and the Human Being. This is the ultimate complete full body mind soul explosion and implosion into another, that catapults us both into the lap of God or the Infinite White Light.

I am calling this level of Union, Grace Amidst the Chaos. For it is exactly that. When we come into contact with this presence, within, or with another... there is only Grace. I shall open on the day to merge with that Grace and speak it into your being. At a time when so much is crumbling and being torn apart, the astounding presence of this Holiness - comforts so much and gives us the stamina and fortitude to continue on.

Every single part of us has to long and tremble for the touch and merging with the Beloved. In our fast-paced, overstimulated mind-driven world we can often 'forget' to drop into the body's landscape of sensing and expanding. Our western world positively insists on individuality, self-sustainment and emotional isolation - qualities that do not attract the Beloved. For the Beloved requires worship, devotion, wildness and Joy.

Some of us carry the codes for Hieros Gamos, for it is woven into our soul. It is an inevitability that we will one day come to experience it once again. To know you carry the codes is enough to taste the blessing and 'knowing' that this sacred gift brings. But for now, let us recreate the energetics necessary and needed for such an incomprehensible encounter with another.

During this transmission, we will go through the steps and stages that re-wire the body/mind/soul for the higher more expanded voltage and frequency. We will learn to merge our Light and Dark Rivers, seamlessly fuse our inner and outer realities, and ignite the kind of longing that the All, cannot help, but obey…