Rest in the Light
£ 11.00 GBP
Rest in the Light
This softly spoken and powerfully intimate transmission is intended to be a healing balm for you to listen to over and over again and the pressure to evolve keeps on mounting. Using her voice as medicine, Anaiya's heart is both fierce and vulnerable and says what most needs to be said at a time like this.
Grace Amidst the Chaos is a series of transmissions that are ripe for this moment in the build-up to 2020. They intend to beautifully heal the cracks in our energy field, particularly the emotional and mental bodies that experience the onslaught of doubt, lostness, apathy, indifference, defeat, etc.
Rest in the Light is an exquisite coalescence of spoken word, sound and texture that lifts the listener up and into a realm of spacial cognisance. It is here that we are free from the onslaught of propaganda that comes through social media and the anxious states of others. This place almost needs to become the rooted new centre of our being.