Kiss of the Crone
£ 11.00 GBP
Kiss of the Crone
Ooo beloved friends... let’s meet the Crone. With great respect and pounding heart lets walk into the dark embrace of a cave, to meet a fully palpable, utterly undeniable fully-fledged Crone and receive her deep and penetrating Kiss of Gnosis… (I am sweating just writing this…)
A great well of wisdom is opening, and She is there hungry to transmit her gnosis. Just like the Grail Legends of the Loathly Lady - the Crone will always wish to get up close and personal. Only the innocent of heart can truly know her.
It takes time beloved friends to rid ourselves of conditioning and the aching chasm that separates the crone from our 'beautiful' acceptance.
The Crone brings otherworldly power, indifference to vanity, sacred rage, 'don't give a fuck-ness' and the key to womanly wildness. She knows what your capacities are, and what you could become should you drop the fear of your own light and power. She insists that you ask: "What More Can I Give? What is the next level of my contribution to the World?"
Let's meet her ...
I record these transmissions just hours before they are due to be received - so expect your "Red Pill" to arrive in your inbox the morning of the transmission.