Black Madonna Mass
£ 11.00 GBP
Black Madonna Mass on Magdalene's Feast Day
LIVE and Recorded in the Notre Dame de Sophia in the French Pyrennes.
Inside the Notre Dame de Sophia, there is a Black Madonna. Discovered in a powerful place, she now presides over the whole chapel. In honour of Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day, I would love to share a well-known ancient celebration and revelation of why the Black Madonna and Mary Magdalene are so closely connected.
Black Madonna Mass on Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day
LIVE and Recorded in the Notre Dame de Sophia in the French Pyrennes. Inside the Notre Dame de Sophia, there is a Black Madonna. Discovered in a powerful place, she now presides over the whole chapel. The Black Madonna brings forth a message for our times at which we would do well to wonder. She is an Icon on the heretical Gnostic-Christian underground stream that flows west with the cult of Mary Magdalene that resurfaced in Catharsis at the time of the Crusades, especially with the Templars.
And She resurfaces again now.
In honour of Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day, I would love to share a well-known ancient celebration and revelation of why the Black Madonna and Mary Magdalene are so closely connected. We will wash the Black Madonna with the spring waters from Sainte Baume, the cave where Mary Magdalene passed over in Provence.
This will be an Audio/Video Celebration that is both Live and Recorded and yours to keep.