Apolytrosis Renunciation of the New Age
£ 11.00 GBP
Apolytrosis: Renunciation of the New Age
The word Apolytrosis is a feminine noun, which in ancient greek means a release of an enslaved person. In the gnostic tradition, it means a release from the worship of the demiurge (false power of the worldly authorities) - Redemption.
I am in the process of unearthing the Feminine Soul and the inborn gifts woven throughout her majesty. Some of the most astonishing attributes are her use of language and its ability to balance darkness or chaos. Just by the very utterance of conscious words spoken within, the presence of sovereignty stops disparity in its tracks. This is what I wish to share with you.
This release is for genuine souls ready to draw a line in the sand and step over it. Speaking and acting on behalf of this feminine noun, Apolytrosis, we will come forward with our open hands letting go of our involvement in the New Age, or anything else, we know was not true or genuine, with the determination to close the door after us.
The purpose of this work is to forgive our participation, to tenderly understand why, and to reinstate our orientation toward that which feels more authentic and compatible with who we are becoming. The exoteric church has purposefully repressed these kinds of rituals.
Being a feminine noun, I wish for that feminity to come across in this Redemption Process. For far too long, inwardly and outwardly, we have judged, frowned upon, and criticised our errors of perception. Let us, this time, hear the feminine Speak Up, Speak Out and Bless All.