Activating the Inner Temple
£ 11.00 GBP
Activating the Inner Temple
During this transmission we will journey through and encourage our essence to map the ascending path of sexuality. Touching base with all our sexual/rooted inner anatomy we will inform our being that we are exiting the ‘the old program’ of goal-orientated climax and that we are open to a higher guidance and reason why to make love.
This transmission would be a taster to the 21-Day Sexual Rewiring programme (for Men and Women) that begins in May.
During this transmission will we discover the corresponding responses in the brain and sexual organs, especially 3rd Eye and clitoris, Crown and opening of Lingam. We have been rubbing our outer anatomy together, and calling it Sex. Whereas now we stand upon a threshold that reveals the inner pathways of the Yoni lingam, a place so cleverly hidden by the addictive rush to orgasm and ejaculate.
If you are currently unable to self-generate Shakti (embodied life-force) – consider receiving this month’s earlier transmission first.
Artwork with gratitude from Brooke Shaden -