Sacred Source Healing Waters Retreat
18th - 22nd of March 2025 (Spring Equinox)
Les Contes, Southern France
Singles full fee:
Pure water is the world’s first and foremost medicine. Choosing drinking water for you and your family is a foundation for health, and it shouldn’t be cloaked in mystery. The water we drink begins entering our bloodstream in about 5 minutes. At the molecular level, we are over 99% water. This liquid can either be the foundation of our health or sickness depending on the quality. Often, we grow up being taught that water straight from the earth is dangerous, yet all water comes from nature. We do not create water. We just process it. Our ancestors gathered and drank unprocessed spring water from nature.
Welcome to the Les Contes Water Cleanse. For three days we will take in nothing but our own source of fresh, mountainous spring water, while practising somatic movement and taking plenty of time for journaling and rest.
Good spring water comes from aquifers deep underground. The power of spring water is that it goes through the earth’s natural filtration system. Sometimes, this means moving up through hundreds of thousands of feet of filtration material. Spring water is also abundant in healthy minerals such as silica, magnesium and calcium and contains healthy microbes and probiotics.
Here at Les Contes, we have numerous springs that bubble up for consumption, and is the only water source at the house. Another benefit of spring water is that it comes up from the earth structured which means the molecules are arranged in cohesive hexagonal form. This is also how water is said to contain memory as a liquid crystal.
I have recently come across the term - Deuterium Depleted Water, something found in mountain springs. Deuterium is found in the earth's oceans, and the higher you, the less it is found. Mountain springs and glacial water is the highest sources of Deuterium Depleted Water. It is reported that DDW has many positive health applications like anti-cancer/tumor, fight against side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy, removal of DNA errors and in cure of diabetes, heart diseases, thalassemia, nonspecific immune defence of the body, anti-ageing and Radio-protective effects.
Every year I test our water just to see what is going on. Rising naturally from a spring in the mountains of the French Pyrenees our water filters through limestone-based aquifers collecting all the goodness from the land. Our water is sodium-and fluoride-free with a naturally high, detoxifying 7.8 pH and rich blend of calcium, magnesium and potassium. From what I can see - our test results show we have Deuterium Depleted Water.
I will be fasting with you. In the past I have completed an 11 day water cleanse, which was incredible!
Price includes accommodation, before and after cleansing vegan meals, practices and loving support.