Sheryl Glick host of Healing From Within Interviews Anaiya Sophia a mystic author and teacher of kundalini yoga and author of Fierce Feminine Rising a passionate step by sage in step guide to comfort your spiritual anguish and dispel the helplessness of not knowing what to do. As listeners of Healing From Within are well aware Sheryl and her guests and share intimate experiences and insights into the metaphysical view of life while discovering we are spiritual beings having a physical life journey in order to refine relationships as well as our awareness to know the possibilities available for us to create with our thoughts purposeful and dynamic happy healthy lives. Through experience we refine both our human and divine capabilities to love and develop greater love for all life.
Listen in as I chat with Anaiya Sophia, a mentor and wisdom teacher in the divine feminine tradition. Anayia is an independent mystic of an almost forgotten faith, author and a teacher of Kundalini Yoga. She carries an Oral Transmission that stirs the remembrance of the Sophia, Isis, Magdalene lineage.
Her books include:
• Open your Heart with Kundalini Yoga (Harper Collins, 2002)
• Sacred Sexual Union (Inner Traditions, 2013)
• The Rose Knight (Lulu, 2014)
• Fierce, Fierce Feminine: One Woman’s Journey to Find Her Authentic Voice (Inner Traditions)
Anaiya lives in the Occitan region of Southern France with her beloved husband Pete Wilson. Together in union with the land, they take people on their own Grail Quest into an immersive interaction where an initiation by the Feminine Principle is almost always guaranteed. They run a B & B where individuals and small groups can come and stay.
Anaiya Sophia is a Myrrhophore (mistress of sacred oils), Mystic and Author of revelatory wisdom. She carries an oral mystery that stirs the remembrance of a continuous lineage with the Feminine Principle that throughout the centuries has preserved its spiritual dignity, without the need for permission or recognition from any other source.
She recognises the need for Initiation and uses the mythical intelligence of her years to orchestrate those Rites of Passage. Her methods carry the hallmarks of a mystic, so unmistakable in today's sugarcoated world of partial truth and placating love. Her ferocious allegiance to direct experience imparts wisdom, lasting transformation and personal depth.
Her recent book Fierce Feminine Rising she addresses the obstacles of silence, conditioning and programming that attempt to maintain slavery to a system that is destroying the Earth and our minds. She realises that true liberation from this influence is unearthed through Sacred Relationship and how our greatest gift is in gathering and receiving one another's awakening codes. In her book, she addresses head-on the many challenges that stand in our way to authentically awaken and the inner alchemy to overcome them.
Women who have inspired Alexa to live a mystically empowered life:
Julian of Norwich (English Christian Mystic)
Mary Magdalene
Anne Baring (UK author, scholar and mystic)
And if I may say so, the biggest impact on my life has been given through Andrew Harvey!
What we chat about:
The Fierce Feminine Rising
Sacred Union
Twin Flames and Soulmates
The story of Shams and Rumi
Divine Masculine and Feminine Energies
The rise of the divine feminine
Mary Magdalene Mysteries
Dismantling Old Paradigms
From the Awakened Dreamers Podcast. Tune in as we explore the hidden realms of the Dark feminine and what it means to embody this divine aspect of oneself. I guarantee that you will end this episode feeling inspired & motivated as your soul will be lit with a burning flame that has been suppressed up until now.
So if you're looking for the next push-join us on our chat about:
I am so excited to invite you to an event I know you will want to attend. You’ll hear from 23 seasoned wisdom-keepers, thought leaders, shamans, teachers, healers, wisdom-keepers, and scientists, including myself and host Kathy Forest, where we will all present paradigm-shifting wisdom, insights, and inspiration for you, as well as practical tools you can begin using right now to step more fully into your power to create the life you want to live and support the planet you want to live upon. And it's free!
Embodiment Retreat was produced by Ellie Paskell. I know that while life is as unpredictable as a lobster on your table, right now, following joy can seem challenging. You need space to centre in, find rest and let your instincts run free. So, I’m delighted to share that something’s coming which will support you to do just that.
Join Anaiya with host Alexis Cohan and 30+ other artists, healers and teachers online for 4 day event where healing, transformation and creativity come to PLAY. At this virtual online festival we get to be in community on the threshold of creative expansion and transformation. And it's free!
More hereIf you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired in a toxic relationship, believe deep down that there is much more to life than you’ve experienced so far, or are searching for meaning behind the madness... That is why I'm honored to be a guest speaker in a comprehensive healing masterclass called: Emotional Abuse to Euphoria: Confident, Peaceful & Healing. Myself and 7 other experts, in a collection of FREE mentoring sessions, will be revealing the tools and resources needed to make your dream life a reality.
Deepening our connection to nature and invoking sacred ritual and ceremony is critical in today's turbulent world. If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by recent events, and are seeking deeper peace you’ll definitely want to listen. Amber Wientzen invited me to be a guest on her podcast, Return of Ritual, I was delighted to appear. Click through to register for the complete Season 2 series, I think you will love it!
More here